Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29th

After Elijah's birthday party which consisted of some squirt gun fights I told the kids that they needed to take showers tonight to be ready for church tomorrow:

Quianna: I took a shower last night.

Kimberly: ok.

Elijah: But I got wet today...

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th

Elijah: Daddy, you should get a new car for your birthday. That way you can have that one and then I can have the other one for school.

Brian: Can I have an electric car?

Elijah: Sure. You'll have to be careful of the chords and wires when you drive it.

Kimberly: But if he gets another car, we won't have the money to go to Disneyland.

Brian: Yeah I will. I'll just go.

Kimberly: How do you think that will work?

Brian: Well, I figured you would be so mad at me that you would leave me and then I'll save money from not paying insurance, and the kids will be gone because they would be upset so then I'll save money on Express.

Elijah (not really following what's going on): Yeah!

Kimberly: That sounds like a good idea, Elijah?

Elijah (in all confidence, because Daddy would get a new car): Yeah.

Brian: That you would be gone?

Elijah: Wait! NO!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 14th, 2010

It's a Friday evening and the kids are playing outside and Brian is playing poker (fake money) online so Kimberly decided to play Beatles RockBand by herself for the first time since she got it at Christmas.

Elijah came in five minutes into Kimberly playing and says "You're playing RockBand!" (in a "not-fair" tone of voice)

Kimberly: "How often do I play video games?"

Elijah: "A-lot!"

Brian chuckles from behind the computer at the implausibility of that claim.

Begining of May

Brian at the dinner table: "Quianna has decided that she is going to talk to her mom about getting baptized and we should pray for help with that"

Next time Elijah said prayer: "I bless that Quianna's mom will be talked into letting her get baptized"

the rest of us had a hard time not chuckling through out the rest of the prayer.